Dear Mr Fossi,

Another meticulous article on the path to an interesting legal judgement. I note Mr Musk was partially cautious on the Qtr2 2024 earnings call, but could not resist topping ambitious sales forecasts from his own people at a later point. As some observers note, the wild election developments may well influence who remains friends with Tesla.

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thanks, Andrew.

8 billion humans, all wanting their own Optimus. I'm worried Cathie Wood has been too conservative in her Tesla valuation.

It's just an amazing thing to watch.

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I'm with you. Optimus, like the whole BEV scene, I think has not been thought through.

BEV, PHEV, HEV and MHEV - if they use Li-Ion batteries - all suffer from fire risk in proportion to energy stored. This makes BEV and PHEV a significant risk compared to smaller, typically 1 kWh applications such as HEV or MHEV. This is not about batteries self-harming - if they are abused or become part of a fire started by other means, they add a significant level of risk to all in the locality. Solid state batteries will not necessarily solve this issue. Insurance is and will be the primary hit for this issue - a very real cost.

I suggest Optimus also has some sort of unintended consequences which are not obvious now, buried in the hype. I see little or no risk mitigation, just as with BEV.

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I doubt Optimus ever becomes real enough to manifest significant unintended consequences. Its true purpose is to assay the continuing gullibility of Tesla investors, and it is brilliantly designed to accomplish that.

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